When an Car Accident Attorney Needs to be Consulted

When an Car Accident Attorney Needs to be Consulted

If the only damage that was done in a car accident was damage to property, you probably won’t need an attorney’s help. More info on this website
Either the other driver’s insurance carrier or your own insurance provider should be able to either replace or repair your car. More info on this website
But if you have suffered an injury in an automobile wreck, then you will more than likely need the assistance of a skilled and seasoned  accident attorney in order to get the fair restitution you deserve. More info on this website
There are a number of red flags that should be an immediate indication that you will require legal representation. These include:

Soon after the accident, the driver who was at fault becomes aggressive or refuses to cooperate.

You are presented insurance information by the other driver, but it is from an insurance carrier you’ve never heard of.

The other driver’s insurance company launches a barrage of questions in your direction, and insists that your conversation be put on the record.

The insurance company offers you a settlement before either the extent of your injuries has been established or all of the facts of the case have been determined.

You either have no insurance or are under-insured, and do not otherwise have the means to pay for medical care (our attorneys, however, can help you get the medical attention you need with a payment plan you can afford).

The insurance company does not offer you a rental car in a timely manner.

The settlement offered by the insurer does not compensate you adequately for the damage your car has sustained.

You get a bad feeling regarding either the at-fault driver or that driver’s insurance company during any part of the compensation process. 

The accident lawyers with our Law Offices have been handling personal injury claims regarding automobile accidents for three decades. During that time, we’ve encountered myriad stories concerning unscrupulous drivers and insurance carriers that take advantage of injury victims uninitiated in the legal process. If you contact us, you can be assured that your legal rights will be protected by a group of effective, experienced lawyers. Got Injured In An Accident – CALL SHAW

Understanding the Reality of Fatal Accidents

This blog was brought to you by Laredos Personal Injury Law Firm Ford and Laurel – 956-421-4823

Understanding the Reality of Fatal Accidents

In spite of the numerous safety measures in place, fatal accidents continue to occur on our roads every day, impacting families across the nation. At our Law Office, we recognize the importance of understanding the causes and locations of these accidents to help individuals avoid potentially life-threatening situations.

It’s crucial to note that auto accidents are not the sole culprits of fatal incidents. Motorcycles, trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians are also susceptible to being involved in tragic traffic injuries throughout the United States. Sadly, common contributing factors include alcohol use and speeding, which significantly increase the likelihood of deadly accidents.

Our Careing Laredo Car Accident Lawyers are Ready to Support You

When you experience the loss of a loved one due to the negligence or wrongful acts of another, it is vital to seek legal representation that not only possesses the necessary skills but also demonstrates compassion and sensitivity towards your situation. At our Law Office, we understand the profound impact such a loss has on your life, and we are dedicated to helping you recover the monetary damages you deserve. More on this website about our Laredo car accident lawyer

Recovering Damages for Your Loss

We recognize that the aftermath of losing a loved one can be overwhelming and emotionally challenging. In addition to the immense grief, you may face financial burdens such as medical bills and funeral costs, as well as the loss of a wage-earning family member. Our attorneys are here to support you in seeking compensation for these losses.

By pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit or insurance claim, you have the opportunity to hold the responsible party accountable and obtain the financial support you need to navigate this difficult period. Our experienced legal team will guide you through the legal process, ensuring that your rights are protected and advocating for the maximum compensation possible.

Trustworthy Legal Guidance

Choosing the right attorneys to handle your wrongful death case is crucial. We understand the intricacies of these cases and are committed to providing you with compassionate and reliable legal representation. We will listen attentively to your needs, address your concerns, and tailor our approach to best serve your interests.

Schedule a Free Consultation

During this challenging time, we offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case and provide you with a clear understanding of your rights and options. Our attorneys are available 24/7 to accommodate your needs and answer any questions you may have.

If you have lost a loved one in an accident caused by negligence or wrongful acts, don’t face this difficult journey alone. Contact our Law Office today to schedule your free consultation at 956-421-4823. Let our compassionate attorneys provide you with the support and guidance you need to seek justice and recover the compensation you deserve. We are here for you every step of the way.

Personal Injury Law – Car And Truck Accident Lawyer

This Blog was brought to you by the Carabin Shaw Law Firm, Principal Office in San Antonio



Motor Vehicle Accidents

As an Accident Lawyer, I represent clients that have been seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents. Motor vehicle accidents include any accident involving vehicles such as motorcycles, trucks/SUVs, semi trucks and cars. There is a myriad of legal issues for each type of accident in which you may be involved. You need an experienced Accident Lawyer to help you navigate through the complexities. More about Car Accident Attorneys San Antonio here

For example, if you are involved in a car accident, there are important issues stemming from the type of car insurance you purchased. You will have medical benefits coverage under you car insurance policy that covers medical bills for you and your family. Your health insurance will only cover you or your family after the medical benefits under the car insurance policy are exhausted. Moreover, you would have selected a lawsuit option under your policy. You selected either full tort or limited tort. Oddly enough, your selection of a lawsuit option affects whether you may bring a claim against the person who caused the accident. There are exceptions, however. For example, you may be deemed to have selected the full tort or zero threshold option if the accident involves a commercial motor vehicle. Do not confront these complex issues alone. Retain me as your Accident Lawyer to protect your legal rights.

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident with a tractor-trailer, there are state and federal regulations governing maintenance and inspections of the vehicle, the number of hours per day the driver is permitted to operate the truck, and mandatory insurance requirements for the owner of the tractor or trailer: Title 49 CFR Part 391 – Qualifications of Drivers, Title 49 CFR Part 392 – Driving of Commercial Motor Vehicles, Title 49 CFR Part 393 – Parts and Accessories Necessary for Safe Operation, Title 49 CFR Part 395 – Hours of Service of Drivers and Title 49 CFR Part 396 – Inspection, Repair, and Maintenance In addition, most current day trucks including tractor-trailers have data recording devices or “black boxes” that may obtain critical information about your accident. This data needs to be preserved immediately. You need an experienced Personal Injury Lawyer to make certain that it is. If the data is favorable to you or your family, the owner of the tractor-trailer will be very disinterested in its preservation. The data can be easily written over once the tractor is put back on the road.

What to Do if Injured (Consider printing this page and carrying it with you.)

These suggestions are expressed for an auto accident; however, most of the suggestions will still be applicable in any type of personal injury claim.

* Call the police immediately at 911 if you or anyone is hurt and/or if there is damage
to vehicles or property. It is important that a police report be filed of record.
* Keep calm. Make no statements to anyone about the accident, or who might have
been at fault. Do not answer questions about the accident for anyone except
the police or medical personnel.
* If possible, write down the date, time, and place of the accident. Or do so as soon as
you can afterward.
* If possible, exchange driver’s license and vehicle registration and insurance
information with other parties involved.
* If possible, get the names and addresses of witnesses.
* Write down the name, badge number, and jurisdiction (i.e., Philadelphia, Cherry
Hill) of the police officer taking your accident report.
* If possible, take photographs of the scene and vehicles involved.
* Describe the accident to the police as simply as possible. Do not assess or accept
* If another party’s insurance company or investigator asks you to sign any papers or
provide a written or recorded statement, do not do so without first consulting with

As seasoned Accident Lawyers, we have vast experience handling motor vehicle accidents. We will utilize the latest technology and consult with the best experts to prove your case. If you or a loved one has been involved in a motor vehicle accident, contact me to learn how a Personal Injury Lawyer can help you and your family during these difficult times. Call me, the initial consultation is free. Because we are trial lawyers, we only get paid if you win. We work solely on a contingency fee basis. Get a seasoned Accident Lawyer fighting for you!!

Please note, the Carabin Shaw Law Office has moved to 875 E Ashby # 1100 San Antonio, Texas 78212

Motorcycle Riders Have A Bad Wrap

This Blog was brought to you by the Carabin Shaw Law Firm, Principal Office in San Antonio

Motorcycle Riders Have A Bad Wrap

Not long ago, a motorcycle rights group poll showed that 85 percent of the general public automatically assumed that a motorcyclist was at fault the second they heard about an accident involving a biker and an automobile or truck. Many such preconceptions are historic when you consider how the motorcyclist has an almost mythical hold on society dating back to when Marlon Brando rode across movie screens in the cult classic 50’s film The Wild One and Peter Fonda’s seminal film Easy Rider a generation later. That view is reinforced every time you see some ninja rider weaving in and out of freeway traffic at 80 miles an hour. It’s a wonder bikers are seen as wild, carefree members of a reckless subculture who have little regard for their own safety or anyone else’s. It makes no difference that many motorcycle riders are now little more than weekend riders with 30+ year careers and can afford this now expensive hobby. The truth is that many daily use smaller motorcycles and scooters as economical transportation. The cost of gas these days is a very practical solution for them. That doesn’t sound like Marlon Brando or Dennis Hopper, does it? When you stop and think about it for a moment, there’s a lot of real-life evidence to counter such preconceived thinking about who today’s motorcyclist is. More on this webpage

Did You Know? Our Law Firm has fought for motorcycle accident victims` rights for over 20 years. Call our office to discuss your case. But that doesn’t stop insurance adjusters from using this prejudice against motorcyclists to deny their claims automatically. The facts of an accident just as often show the motorcyclist was a victim of somebody else’s driving negligence; usually, the car or truck driver wasn’t paying attention. We must watch out extra hard for motorcyclists because they’re often hidden by larger vehicles and not always that easy to see. The insurance adjuster is banking that he can trick the jury into overlooking the facts due to the image of a reckless biker in their minds or suggest to an inexperienced motorcycle accident lawyer that this prejudice will prevent a successful civil case and it’s a good idea to settle for ten cents on the actual dollar. Since the burden is on you, the injured motorcyclist, to prove your charges, it’s also on you to disprove an insurance company’s claim that you, a “devil-may-care biker,” who is not by definition reckless, and that you were in fact, operating your bike safely at the time of the wreck that injured you. This is why you need a seasoned motorcycle accident lawyer who knows how to refute these prejudices and use the facts to win your just damage compensation. Combine this double standard with the fact that most adjusters assigned to motorcycle accidents cases are senior adjusters who are chosen for their aggressive track record, and it becomes apparent you are facing quite a challenge in trying to get a fair deal if you attempt to do this without an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Our clients are family at our Law Office, and we empathize with your struggles. Contact us (toll-free) for a free consultation and find out how we can help you and your family fight for your legal rights.

Car Accident Lawyers San Antonio

This Blog was brought to you by the Carabin Shaw Law Firm, Principal Office in San Antonio

Car Accident Lawyers San Antonio

Our experts personally know how draining physically, psychologically, and economically a severe accident can possibly be. Our accident specialists have considerable knowledge in helping our clients recoup the full reimbursement authorized under the law for their damages, including traumatic loss of limb and wrongful death. Our attorneys have the understanding and experience to carefully take a look at your case and make sure you receive the maximum restoration the law authorizes for your injuries. Our task is to safeguard the well-being of our client, to maximize your healing while acquiring an equitable and sufficient resolution or judgment for the pain and suffering you have endured. We Secure your interests by dealing with all forms and arrangements with the insurer, meticulously taking a look at the scene of the injury, maintaining the evidence and getting eyewitness testimony, help you receive a specific summation of your injuries from a healthcare provider who recognizes your injuries and ensure you receive medical care and recovery services you need to attain maximum physical recovery. General damages cover the non-monetary aspects of your injuries such as pain and suffering and loss or impairment to certain aspects of your life. This can include emotional distress, disfigurement, loss of physical or mental capacity, and loss of enjoyment of life. Also included are loss of companionship and loss of consortium, which refers to a friendship or a marriage becoming compromised or strained due to injury. If your injury has caused you stress every time you get behind the wheel of a car if you can no longer play in your summer softball league, or even if you only lost a couple of nights of sleep, you should be entitled to a settlement for your general damages. auto accident attorneys

Important Information About Car Accident Lawsuits

If you are seriously injured or hurt in an accident hitting at the very least $1,000 in hospital costs you may well benefit from employing the services of a lawyer if you do not feel you are getting acceptable money from your insurance provider. You may also benefit from working with a personal injury attorney in the case that you experienced an injury that involved:
A malfunctioning car part.
A motorbike.
A pedestrian or bicyclist.
Drunk operators or motorists under the influence of a drug.
A head-on collision.
Road construction.
A semi-truck or bus.
Long-lasting injuries.

Missed work and pay for which you have not been reimbursed.
Inadequate coverage for your injuries or damages.
Under these conditions, you should never delay meeting with an attorney. If you spend too much time hammering out a deal with the insurance carrier and giving them total accessibility to your clinical reports, it will just make it simpler for them to develop a claim against you and will minimize a personal injury lawyer’s opportunities to develop a winning tactic for your dispute. The oversight many individuals make is thinking like they need to tough it out or suck it up instead of seeking remuneration for their damages or injuries. In order to receive the necessary sum for your settlement deal, you must be diligent about documenting your losses and injuries, keeping track of bills, and getting proof to assist with your claim.

Pointers About Car Accidents

Automobile wrecks are a huge root cause of fatality in the United States, with greater than 30,000 deaths happening annually, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. The majority of accident lawsuits in the U.S. are a result of an incident involving a vehicle, truck, or another motor vehicle. Motor vehicle accidents that involve physical impairment, death, or other substantial damages may warrant the legal representation of an expert motor vehicle accident lawyer or attorney. Probably the most necessary thing you can do is to heal as rapidly as feasible from your pain. Insurance provider workers often believe those individuals who actively attempt to mend from their traumas. Also, insurance providers believe those individuals who are able to detail their impairments by means of healthcare statements, reliable health-related reports, and correct lost salary information that is neither exaggerated nor subject to conflict and interpretation.

Is a Car Accident Lawyer Your Best Option?

It is most effective to work with a car injury attorney first thing to stay clear of any pricey problems. The deadline for submitting injury lawsuits is different from area to area. Given that you may need to cover hospital bills and/or address lost incomes, the faster you contact an attorney at law the better. In general, a person should consult with a lawyer shortly after the collision takes place within a week or two of the accident but prior to arriving at a compensation with the insurance firm. You are not legally obligated to get a lawyer or attorney to take on your injury insurance claim. You could certainly submit all the essential documentation yourself and represent your own self in a court of law. Yet, your odds of winning your suit and obtaining the compensation you ought to get are much higher if you seek the services of an expert personal injury legal representative. They will be able to figure out should what is best, to have a go at settling out of court or taking the case to court should you employ an attorney. If the case goes to court, the specifics of the case and resultant damages will be brought before either a jury or a judge, who will then figure out the fault and any monetary award that should be provided. Lots of lawyers who are skilled in negligence lawsuits do not demand up-front fees from clients, and many only demand payment in the event that the client receives a settlement.

Motorcycle Accidents FAQs

Motorcycle Accidents FAQs

How many people are injured or killed in the United States in motorcycle accidents?
Nearly 2,000 motorcyclists die every year in the US. In Texas, 300-400 riders die each year. 50,000 people are injured in motorcycle accidents nationwide. In fact, in almost 80% of all motorcycle wrecks in the United States, injury or death is a direct result. It is certainly no exaggeration to say that crashes involving motorcycles are far more dangerous than car accidents. In many cases, the drivers of other vehicles never see the motorcycle before a collision.motorcycle accident attorneys

What is the number one cause of death in a motorcycle accident?

Head injuries, which occur in a majority of motorcycle accidents, are also the chief cause of death. Without the added protection of seat belts or airbags, or even the framework of an automobile, it is almost inevitable that motorcyclists involved in accidents suffer head injuries. Helmets can offset some of the damage, but in Texas, not all motorcyclists are required to wear them. More here

What should I do if I am involved in a motorcycle accident?

If you are involved in a motorcycle wreck in Texas, you should:

Remain at the scene of the accident.
Call the police immediately or have someone call the police for you.
File a police report as soon as the officers arrive.
Seek immediate medical attention, even if you don’t think you are injured. Not all injuries are apparent immediately.
Get the license number, personal and insurance details, and name of the other driver or drivers involved.
If anyone witnessed your accident, obtain their contact information – a witness may have noticed key details that you did not.

What if I am involved in a motorcycle accident that was not my fault?
Many motorcycle accidents occur because drivers of larger vehicles don’t ever see the motorcycle. While bikers have a responsibility to remain visible and obey all traffic laws, that does not mean that other drivers will always see them. If you are involved in a motorcycle wreck, you should first obtain medical treatment, and if you are able, get the insurance details and contact information of the other driver. Your next step, however, should be to contact an experienced Texas motorcycle accident lawyer at our Law Firm who can help protect your rights and determine if legal action is needed.

What is the statute of limitations for my motorcycle accident?
The statute of limitations is the time period in which you can file a claim for the injuries you have sustained in a motorcycle accident. Texas law mandates that for most wrecks, the victim or victim’s family has two years to resolve the claim or file a lawsuit against the responsible party. The statute of limitations varies for cases involving children and adults, however, and also differs from state to state. Because of these variances, you should contact an experienced Texas motorcycle accident attorney at our Law Firm to determine the statute of limitations applicable to your case.

Why do I need an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer?
When you suffer injuries from a motorcycle accident, you can incur extensive medical treatment and other financial burdens that require significant compensation. The bottom line is that the more experience and skill your motorcycle wreck lawyer has regarding Texas motorcycle accident cases, the higher chance you have of obtaining the compensation needed to deal with your injuries. A knowledgeable Texas motorcycle accident attorney will understand Texas laws and how they apply to your case, and he will know how to develop the most effective strategy to get you the maximum amount of compensation allowed by law.bike crash lawyers

How is negligence proven in a motorcycle accident case?
Motorcycle accidents can be caused by a number of negligent acts, including carelessness, failure to act, or recklessness – or sometimes a combination of all three.

Texas law stipulates that you owe everyone a duty to act as a reasonably prudent person would act under similar circumstances. When someone’s actions are not deemed to be reasonable, then they have violated that duty and are considered to be negligent – and will be held responsible for any resulting injury or damage. More information

Why should I sue? Won’t the insurance company of the other driver compensate me?
The decision to take legal action is very personal, but don’t let promises from an insurance company influence whether you file. Insurance companies have one goal – to minimize the amount of financial loss. That is their primary business and they are very good at what they do. When you have suffered a traumatic injury in a motorcycle crash, it’s difficult to think about lawsuits and claims. Many people don’t contact a Texas motorcycle accident lawyer because they think it’s too much trouble or they don’t need additional financial compensation.

Unfortunately, bike accident victims often do not realize the full extent of their injuries and the impact those injuries will have on their lives. Ultimately, only you can decide whether to pursue a lawsuit, but before you sign away your rights by giving a statement to an insurance company, make sure you are fully informed. Consulting with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney can help you make the decision that is best for you.

Common Car Accident Injuries – Personal Injury Law

Common Car Accident Injuries

There are a number of common car accident injuries, each of which can cause extreme pain and have devastating lifelong consequences. Although the severity and intensity of car accident injuries can vary depending on a number of factors, an injury will usually significantly disrupt your daily life for quite a long time.auto accident attorneys

Aside from the physical and mental anguish caused by common car accident injuries, the financial effects can also be quite damaging. You could be facing expensive medical bills after a lengthy hospital stay and require ongoing therapy or rehabilitation. You could also be unable to return to your previous job and be forced to spend significant time and energy searching for a new career. More information on this website

When you need assistance after being injured in an automobile accident, a car accident attorney can be your greatest ally.

Call our Texas car accident lawyers to discuss your options after sustaining a car accident injury.

Some Common Car Accident Injuries

Our bodies are fragile and are not built to overcome the overwhelming force produced by a large automobile. Although cars today are designed according to strict federal safety standards, violent car crashes that produce brutal injuries remain typical.

Both drivers and passengers are at risk to obtain severe car accident injuries. Some of the most common injuries and consequences of a violent car accident include:

Back and spine injuries: Back and spine injuries are some of the most excruciating types of car accident injuries. Back pain can be extremely painful and spine injuries can lead to paralysis.
Neck injuries: Neck injuries occur when an individual’s neck suddenly snaps back and forth during a car accident, causing whiplash. A neck injury can also affect the back and spine, causing further damage.
Brain injuries: A traumatic brain injury occurs when an individual’s head is struck by a hard object or jerked violently during a car accident. A TBI is difficult to diagnose and there are often lifetime consequences.
Head injuries: An individual’s head is especially vulnerable during a car accident. Head injuries can range from mild to severe and potentially lead to a TBI.
Fatal car accidents: Many car accident injuries ultimately prove to be fatal. An individual who loses a loved one in a fatal car accident may file a wrongful death claim and be entitled to financial compensation.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide a wealth of information concerning common car accident injuries and methods of treatment. The significant effect of car accident injuries is apparent; as the CDC has noted, car accident injuries are a major national public health issue. More information on this website

The High Cost Of Car Accident Injuries

Common car accident injuries take a great toll on the nation’s financial health. The CDC estimates that car accidents cost the nation approximately $100 billion dollars overall each year. Additionally, the cost of a car accident to a licensed driver in the United States is around $500.

These statistics should come as no surprise to anyone who has ever been in a car accident. Most individuals face astonishing medical bills that they are unable to pay. Medical expenses are commonly cited as one of the biggest contributors to financial instability.

After suffering injuries in a car accident, you need help with restoring your financial security. A qualified attorney can explain what compensation may be available to you.

Call our car accident lawyers today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Helping Driver After Motor Vehicle Accidents

Nobody expects to get into a motor vehicle accident. And nobody is ever fully prepared when an accident happens. After an accident, the people who were involved may be confused and emotionally wrung out, not to mention needing to recover from any physical injuries they may have suffered.car accident attorneys

In the event of injury in a motor vehicle accident, you or a family member will need someone to depend on for capable help. After you’ve been in a crash, there is no substitute for a capable legal advocate to see you through the difficult recovery period. An experienced attorney understands what needs to be done to ensure your best chance of recovering financial damages after an accident.

Motor Vehicle Accident Types

Several common types of motor vehicle accidents occur in the area. Each type of accident has features that require a particular kind of attention.

Car accidents: Passenger car accidents are the most frequent type of motor vehicle accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that car accidents injured more than 1.5 million people in the United States in one year, and over 17,000 people died in car accidents.
Pedestrian accidents: Pedestrians can easily be hurt when a motor vehicle driver is careless. For example, drivers may not be watching out for pedestrians crossing the road and may fail to yield the right of way to pedestrians.
Motorcycle accidents: Motorcycles are enjoyable to ride and economical. However, motorcycle riders and passengers don’t have the protection of a heavy car frame around them as they travel. They can be badly injured in a motorcycle accident.
Public transportation accidents: San Antonio has a popular, extensive, and busy public transportation system. Accidents involving Via buses can cause serious injuries. Operators and passengers can be hurt, as can the occupants of a car that collides with a public transportation vehicle.car accident attorneys
Truck accidents: In a collision with a semi-truck, occupants of a smaller motor vehicle are likely to get the worst of it. Motorists may be justifiably apprehensive about driving on Texas roads in the vicinity of large trucks.
It’s important to consider the unique attributes of each kind of accident, in order to assert your legal rights when you’ve been involved in an accident. For example, did you know that semi-trucks are commercial vehicles subject to extensive regulation by federal and local law? That means owners and operators of these vehicles could face liability and penalties if any failure to meet legal standards is exposed in a truck accident investigation.

When You’ve Been In A Crash

The consequences of a collision go far beyond the immediate aftermath. Lives are changed. Every kind of accident can result in death or disabling injury. You will benefit immeasurably from finding authoritative information and skillful assistance when you are facing the death of a loved one or the challenge of lengthy rehabilitative treatment.

Personal Injury Law – Do You Know What to do After a Car Accident?

All right: it finally happened. Everyone in your family is a great driver. You respect the speed limit, drive defensively, and give the other motorist the right of way. But still, you (or a loved one has been involved in a major car accident near your home in Texas. It wasn’t your fault and now you’re wondering what to do as you or your family members recover.auto accident attorneys

One thing that is most important, aside from your return to good health, is that you must protect your legal rights against those who would deny you fair damage compensation for your painful (and painfully expensive) injuries. Even if you’re insured, the person who hit you and caused all this mayhem must step-up and pay for the medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income during recovery, and other damages. That includes his or her insurance company.

Your insurance company might be of some assistance as you sort this out through your PIP or uninsured motorist coverage. And that’s good. But eventually, the one who hit you has to pay for all of this. And in a sense your “good hands” auto dealer is basically fronting you the money to pay your medical bills. But if the other guy (or his insurance company) doesn’t step up to the plate, that unreimbursed PIP or uninsured motorist coverage you have will end up forcing you to pay higher coverage rates to your carrier. And medical bills are just the tip of the iceberg of the damage that your insurance company can’t help you with, past those medical bills.

Many times a car accident can be little more than a minor fender bender in a parking lot. Or they can be destructive wrecks that cause horrific injuries along with deep physical and psychological scars on the lives of the unlucky drivers and passengers. If it’s not your fault, regardless of whether it was minor or serious, you are likely entitled to seek compensation for the financial, physical, and emotional injuries you suffered in your car crash. But it is impossible to know the amount of compensation you may be entitled to because the damages you have a right to seek are relative to the unique circumstances of your case.

This is why we will try and explain some of the basics of auto personal injury cases and help you understand the clear need to hire an attorney, any attorney, who has experience in personal injury; especially surrounding vehicle accidents, if you hope to receive fair damage compensation. Some of you might feel you can handle this matter on your own. And if it’s just a little fender-bender with no complications or injuries other than a broken fingernail and wounded pride, you might be able to do that. But, for your own sake, especially if your auto car accident is a wreck, we strongly urge you to retain an experienced auto injury attorney who knows the ins-and-outs of Texas car accident claims and, if necessary – litigation. And you must do this as quickly as possible; otherwise, you’re asking for trouble. And your opponents will be all-too-happy to oblige.

Put our years of experience to work for you. If you want to know what your rights are, how to proceed with your claim, and how much compensation you can secure from your auto injury case. Call the auto accident attorneys with our Law Firm now for a free consultation and find out how we can help you recover the full fair value of the damages you have suffered through the negligence of another driver.

This Blog was posted by No.1 Lawyer – Carabin Shaw Attorneys At Law in El Paso

Auto Accidents And Other Dangers Of Texting And Driving

As experienced car accident lawyers, we have represented many personal injuries and wrongful death clients who have needed our services because of accidents involving texting while driving. The auto accident attorneys at our law firm present this information in the hope of dissuading you from texting while driving.car accident attorneys - distracted driving

Texting is a form of distracted driving

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 16 people are killed and 1,300 people are injured daily in auto accidents involving a distracted driver. Distracted driving is driving while doing another activity that takes your attention away from driving. CDC statistics unequivocally show that distracting activities increase the chance of a motor vehicle crash and the need for a car accident lawyer.

There are three main types of distraction:

Visual — those that take your eyes off the road
Manual — those that require you to take your hands off the wheel
Cognitive — those that take your mind off what you are doing
Distracted driving activities include things like using a cell phone, texting, eating, drinking, and talking with passengers. While any of these distractions can endanger the driver and others, texting while driving is especially dangerous because it combines all three types of distraction. Texting takes the driver’s attention away from driving more frequently and for longer periods than other distractions, increasing the risk of an accident.

Texting and auto accident statistics

As these statistics indicate, texting and driving do not mix:

A study by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company revealed that of the 1,200 drivers surveyed, 19 percent admitted to text messaging while driving.
CDC statistics show that more than a third of all drivers under age 24 regularly text while driving.
CDC statistics also show that texting is considerably more dangerous than driving while intoxicated. Texting is six times more likely than drunk driving to cause an accident.
The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) found that the act of sending or receiving a text message took drivers’ eyes off their driving for 4.6 out of each 6 seconds. This makes texting the most distracting of all cell-phone-related tasks.
VTTI statistics also show that texting while driving is at least 23 times more likely to get a trucker into an accident than non-distracted driving.car accident lawyers - texting and driving

Texting and teen drivers
CDC statistics show that drivers under 20 years of age are the most likely to drive while distracted:

Nearly 13 percent of those under 20 admit to texting while driving.
Nearly 34 percent of teens ages 16 and 17 admit that they send and respond to text messages while driving.
Model safe behavior
Keep in mind that the driving habits of teenagers are highly influenced by the driving habits of adults. Since the CDC indicates that 48 percent of teenagers between ages 12 and 17 report that they have been in a car when the driver was engaged in text messaging, we are clearly not providing a model of safe driving to our children.

Particularly when your children are learning to drive, pay extra attention to your own driving behavior. Driving habits they might not have consciously noticed in the past now readily capture their attention when they are in the process of learning to drive.

Legal help from auto accident lawyers
When you are the victim in an auto accident, whether as a result of texting or of any other type of negligent driver behavior, call us today to schedule a free consultation with an auto accident lawyer.