Does anybody ever check with their insurance company to check what charges were being filed for payment? Many of us don’t ever follow up with this which gives health care providers a bigger opportunity to submit fraudulent charges to your insurance company for payment. Florida is ranking high in the lead for the nation’s top states in recovering money from health care providers suspected of Medicaid fraud.
Insurance Claim
The federal government released data earlier this month that showed Florida’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit recovered more than $165 million during 2016. Florida took place as the runner-up with New York coming in first place of Medicaid fraud. South Florida has received its name of being one of the “hot spots for health care fraud” in the nation.
If you or someone you know needs help with your insurance claim case, call an experienced attorney at The Law Firm to discuss your options. Have the security and comfortability of having a lawyer by your side every step of the way!