Auto Accidents And Other Dangers Of Texting And Driving

As experienced car accident lawyers, we have represented many personal injuries and wrongful death clients who have needed our services because of accidents involving texting while driving. The auto accident attorneys at our law firm present this information in the hope of dissuading you from texting while accident attorneys - distracted driving

Texting is a form of distracted driving

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 16 people are killed and 1,300 people are injured daily in auto accidents involving a distracted driver. Distracted driving is driving while doing another activity that takes your attention away from driving. CDC statistics unequivocally show that distracting activities increase the chance of a motor vehicle crash and the need for a car accident lawyer.

There are three main types of distraction:

Visual — those that take your eyes off the road
Manual — those that require you to take your hands off the wheel
Cognitive — those that take your mind off what you are doing
Distracted driving activities include things like using a cell phone, texting, eating, drinking, and talking with passengers. While any of these distractions can endanger the driver and others, texting while driving is especially dangerous because it combines all three types of distraction. Texting takes the driver’s attention away from driving more frequently and for longer periods than other distractions, increasing the risk of an accident.

Texting and auto accident statistics

As these statistics indicate, texting and driving do not mix:

A study by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company revealed that of the 1,200 drivers surveyed, 19 percent admitted to text messaging while driving.
CDC statistics show that more than a third of all drivers under age 24 regularly text while driving.
CDC statistics also show that texting is considerably more dangerous than driving while intoxicated. Texting is six times more likely than drunk driving to cause an accident.
The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) found that the act of sending or receiving a text message took drivers’ eyes off their driving for 4.6 out of each 6 seconds. This makes texting the most distracting of all cell-phone-related tasks.
VTTI statistics also show that texting while driving is at least 23 times more likely to get a trucker into an accident than non-distracted accident lawyers - texting and driving

Texting and teen drivers
CDC statistics show that drivers under 20 years of age are the most likely to drive while distracted:

Nearly 13 percent of those under 20 admit to texting while driving.
Nearly 34 percent of teens ages 16 and 17 admit that they send and respond to text messages while driving.
Model safe behavior
Keep in mind that the driving habits of teenagers are highly influenced by the driving habits of adults. Since the CDC indicates that 48 percent of teenagers between ages 12 and 17 report that they have been in a car when the driver was engaged in text messaging, we are clearly not providing a model of safe driving to our children.

Particularly when your children are learning to drive, pay extra attention to your own driving behavior. Driving habits they might not have consciously noticed in the past now readily capture their attention when they are in the process of learning to drive.

Legal help from auto accident lawyers
When you are the victim in an auto accident, whether as a result of texting or of any other type of negligent driver behavior, call us today to schedule a free consultation with an auto accident lawyer.

Had An Car Accident – Do You Need Competent Representation

Do or Don’t You Need a Local Auto Accident Lawyer who Knows the Ropes??

In most instances, it takes an experienced lawyer to make sure that accident victims recover the full and fair worth of their medical bills, pain, suffering, and damages to their vehicle and its contents. Depending on circumstances surrounding the accident and coverage level, a reasonably intelligent accident victim can handle his or her claim on their own, without the assistance of a lawyer. Aside from the general challenges presented by defendant insurers, below are a few instances that illustrate how your interests are best served with the assistance of a local, experienced car accident accident attorneys

You’ve Suffered Bodily Harm in the Wreck – If you’re really injured from your auto accident, you really must have an experienced lawyer handle your claim. If you need a return visit to your doctor after being treated for your injuries, call a lawyer. When you seek damages for bodily injuries, insurance companies don’t have to abide by any preexisting guidelines when deciding how much to pay you. Because, by their very nature, insurance companies are more about premiums than claims, they can choose to pay you nothing and hope they get away with it. This practice is the first benefit of having a lawyer who is looking out for your interests regarding your claim. If you’ve suffered broken bones, head injuries, back injuries, or any other sort of injury in your wreck, do the smart thing and call a reputable attorney quickly.

The Other Driver is Hard to Deal With – It’s also a good idea to call an attorney if the other driver involved in your accident gives you a hard time either at the scene of the wreck or later. If that other driver doesn’t want to provide you with his contact or insurance information, definitely call a lawyer. Belligerent accident “victims” usually have something to hide, either from the law or their insurance company. Their behavior could be an early warning that he’ll make it as difficult as possible for you to recover what you deserve. Treat this arrogant behavior as a big red flag that you need to seriously consider hiring a lawyer, or at least have a solemn visit with an experienced one.

You Can’t Afford to See a Doctor or Pay your Medical Bills – Many people don’t have health insurance, which could help them afford the treatment they need after they’ve been involved in a wreck. Even if an accident victim does have health insurance, the odds become less every day that their treatment needs will be covered under their health benefits. Whether or not they have health insurance, many accident victims are reluctant to get treatment for their injuries because they don’t think they can afford to take off of work to see a doctor. Perhaps they have higher-than-normal deductibles, which preclude even using their health insurance.

Seeing a doctor and being treated adequately for your injuries after an accident is not only essential to your returning health, it’s necessary to your injury claim or lawsuit. If you can’t afford treatment, or if you already have medical bills that you can’t pay, there’s probably something that our personal injury lawyers can do to help. We regularly work with doctors and healthcare professionals and can hook you up with the right doctor who will consider your situation. We have helped many of our clients receive necessary medical care after an auto accident at no out of pocket cost to them. Additionally, we can explain how the time you take off from work to get medical care may be computed in the damage compensation owed to you by the defendant in your case.

Besides, if you aren’t diligent in being treated for your injuries, why should the defendant be concerned with something that doesn’t appear to concern you?

If you’re lucky, and none of the above scenarios apply, the odds are pretty good that you can handle your case on your own, without the assistance of a lawyer, and reasonably resolve it. Sometimes, plaintiffs can successfully protect their rights when they’ve been involved in a wreck, which resulted in property damage only. If your car was damaged, but you’re not injured, insurance companies are bound by strict guidelines that tell them what they have to pay you in compensation for the damage to your car. Since these guidelines give them virtually no wiggle room, insurance companies have minimal opportunity to rip you off when they reimburse you for your repair bills or property damage. But if there are serious injuries, no guidelines exist. And that’s when you need legal help in defending your compensatory rights.

The auto accident lawyers at our Texas Law Firm have effectively handled car accident litigation for over 30 years. We’ve won favorable verdicts and settlements against nearly every major auto insurer in the state. Insurance companies recognize our name. And the reputation that precedes us is beneficial in securing special attention to our clients’ claims from these insurers. Our goal is to make sure that you recover as much as possible for your injuries and make this sometimes complicated legal process as easy as possible for you.

Put our years of experience to work for you. Know your rights, how to proceed with your claim, and how much compensation you can secure from your auto injury case. Call our Law Firm now for a free consultation and find out how we can help you recover the full fair value of the damages you have suffered through the negligence of another driver.

Ethics Complaint Filed Against Former Judge and Attorneys By Florida Bar

Following its own investigation, The Florida Bar has filed ethics complaints with the state Supreme Court against a former 12th Judicial Circuit judge and two Palmetto attorneys.

Former Judge John Lakin admitted to accepting Tampa Bay Rays baseball tickets from the firm of Kallins, Little & Delgado while still hearing motions in a slip-and-fall case in which attorneys Melton Little and Scott Kallins represented the plaintiff. If you or someone that you know has been injured in a slip and fall, call a Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyer.

The justice system is meant to keep the world in order.Thos that serve in the justice system take an oath to administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon them. When that oath is not followed out accordingly, they must answer. An ethics complaint was filed by The Florida Bar with the state Supreme Court against two Palmetto attorneys and a former 12th Judicial Circuit judge.

A Wrong Move For A Florida Judge
Former Judge John Lakin was said to accepting Tama Bay Rays baseball tickets from the firm of Kallings, Little & Delgado while he was still hearing motions in a slip and fall case in which attorneys Melton Little and Scott Kallins represented the plaintiff. Mr. Lakin admitted to the accusations.

The complaint read, Lakin presided in the June 2015 trial of Sandy Wittke vs. Wal-Mart Stores. Little and Kallins represented Wittke, who claimed to be injured when she fell at the Wal-Mart on Cortez Road in Bradenton.

The jury returned a verdict in favor of Wal-Mart. The next day, Little suggested to Kallins that Lakin would be interested in tickets to that evening’s Rays game with the Boston Red Sox. Kallins contacted Lakin’s judicial assistant with the offer. The law firm provided five tickets to Lakin, who used two and discarded the others. When Lakin received the tickets “the time period for filing post-trial motions had not expired.” Lakin asked the law firm for tickets to a Rays game with the Minnesota Twins, which Little delivered to the judge’s courtroom. The next day, Lakin overturned the jury’s verdict in the Wittke case and granted the motion for a new trial. “Prior to the Wittke vs. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. case, Judge Lakin had never overturned a jury verdict during his tenure on the bench.” In October, Lakin received tickets from the firm to a Rays game with the Toronto Blue Jays.

Florida Slip and Fall Attorney
Lakin was advised from his senior judges that accepting the tickets were inappropriate and that he was required to disclose his actions to both the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission and the parties involved in the Wittke vs. Wal-Mart Stores case. Lakin admits that his actions were inappropriate but that accepting the tickets had no influence on his decision of the case.

The Bar concluded that Lakin’s “solicitation and acceptance of free baseball tickets” from attorneys appearing in a case before him “created an appearance of impropriety” and undermined his “independence, integrity and/or impartiality as a member of the judiciary.”

Auto Insurance Coverages Could Change

Is the required auto coverage on Florida roads enough to cover health care costs in the event of an accident? Many are finding that these limits are not enough to cover the medical expenses. It is required to carry personal injury protection of at least $10,000 in medical benefits. Lawmakers are currently discussing changing up the insurance coverage drivers are required to carry. If you or someone you know has been injured in an auto accident, call the Fort Lauderdale Injury Attorneys to discuss your options.

Fort Lauderdale Auto Accident Attorney
Florida’s Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law, which is also known Personal Injury Protection or PIP, requires all drivers to carry $10,000 in medical, disability and funeral protection. When a driver only carries the minimum coverage, $10, 000 is nearly enough to cover medical expenses for everyone in the car. Who ends up having to carry the burden of these excess medical expenses? Legislation is currently discussing cancelling out PIP benefits and raising the bodily injury coverage to $25,000 a person and $50,000 per incident. This would require a driver to purchase this coverage before being able to register a vehicle. With any new change, there are always those that are in opposition to the new change. Physician groups as well as insurance companies are those who are in opposition, saying dumping PIP moves Florida to a system of litigation.

Florida Auto Insurance Changes
“We can bring meaningful value into a system that places fault appropriately on the person who caused the accident,” Senator Grall said.With Florida’s PIP law, there has been a tsunami of bad faith claims. The Florida PIP law has been revised several times since 2000 to try to reduce insurance fraud. But those reforms have also restricted coverage. PIP was created in 1971 as a way to reduce traffic lawsuits.

Of course, by requiring a higher minimum coverage, the minimum premium would be higher as well. Those is opposition of this new law wonders how this would affect low income families. Senator Grall’s bill made it out of its first committee, but it still faces an uphill battle. Similar legislation is also filed by Senator Jeff Brandes, Senator Tom Lee and Representative Bill Hager.

A Law Firm Helps Win An Arkansas Medical Malpractice Suit

An Arkansas family recently was awarded a $46.5 million settlement in a medical malpractice case with the help of a law firm. If you or someone you know has been injured due to the negligence of the medical provider, call a Ft Lauderdale injury lawyer to discuss your possible medical malpractice case.

Law Firm wins Medical Malpractice Case
The Daily Business Review reported the Smalls family sued Dr. Johnathan Lewis and the Ouachita County Medical Center located in Camden, Arkansas for negligence when the baby, Kara, was born. The Smalls stated that due to their daughter’s jaundice not being treated at birth, bilirubin entered her brain which caused permanent damage. Bilirubin is a substance that the body creates when it replaces old red blood cells. When this substance is present at high levels, it causes jaundice. If not treated properly, it can enter other parts of the body causing further damage.

A Piece Of Mind For This Medical Malpractice Victim
On March 9th, a jury in Union County in Arkansas, where the two-week trial was conducted, filed its verdict. “There are several cases where these things are appealed, but the evidence of a ‘live’ toddler makes it very difficult to refute these allegations,” she said. “Florida has several laws as it relates to medical malpractice, but there is no limit on the amount of compensation a medical-malpractice plaintiff can recover for past and future medical care necessitated by the malpractice, lost income, lost future earning capacity, and any other measurable economic losses attributable to the defendant’s malpractice. In the case of someone who is not alive, attorneys usually ask for the judge to lower the amount of the compensation to that of the caps of that state. “There is a joy that the family received justice, but we are hoping that we can stop the harm, and if not, then all can receive justice.”

In The Lead On Caregiver Caused Deaths

A caregiver is a family member or paid helper who regularly looks after a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person. When you think of caregiver, you think of someone who true cares for the person they are caring for and would do anything to make their life easier for them. Unfortunately, not everybody has the same way of thinking and stress can play a big part of crimes committed to those we care for.

Find A Fort Lauderdale Injury Attorney
A new study from Ruderman Family Foundation shows results that are guaranteed to make our stomachs squirm. It seems that Florida is in the lead for deaths of seniors and children with disabilities caused by their caregivers. The study showed the one person is killed every week by a caregiver. that statewide, one person with a disability is murdered every week by someone who should be watching out for their well-being. Advocates are the voice for these vulnerable victims that can’t speak up.

Caregiver Abuse
11-year old Janiya Thomas was murdered in Bradenton, FL. Her mother was accused of her murder and stuffed her body in a box in the freezer. “I don’t think a mother in her right mind would do that, I really don’t,” says Diane Dowling, Keishanna Thomas’s aunt. Thomas has been accused of locking the little girl in a bathroom because of digestive problems, then starving, beating, suffocating, and drowning her. Her murder trial is scheduled for August in Manatee County.

Sadly, Janiya’s story does not stand alone There have been several cases of children as well as the elderly being hurt or even killed by who is supposed to be their protector. If you suspect abuse to a minor or elder, call a Fort Lauderdale nursing home abuse attorney. The attorneys at The Law Firm are ready to help you with your case. Call today to talk to an experienced attorney.

Wrongful Death suit filed in Collapse of Tent

A wrongful death law suit has been filed when a tent collapsed on a man at an event in Chicago, Illinois, after inclement weather moved in.

The storm approached the event with high winds and the organizers of the Wood Dale Priar Festival directed the attendees to take shelter under a tent which was improperly secured. The victim was 35 years old and was killed when the main pole of the tent fell on him. In addition, 22 others were hurt.

In addition to the company organizing the event, the companies that managed the vent and rented the tent to the festival have also been sued.

In Fort Lauderdale, young party goers were injured when a bounce house on the beach lost its moorings and blew away in gale force winds.

Tents and other temporary structures used for events such as birthday parties have the potential to become unsafe in the event that a storm with high winds and rain moves in. This type of weather change is not uncommon in South Florida. A lot of times, bounce houses and tents are assembled by companies who lease out this equipment and these temporary structures are not properly secured to withstand this. Should this occur, the consequences can be devastating.

With over 50 years of collective service to the South Florida community, the Fort Lauderdale injury lawyers at The Law Firm have helped thousands of clients to obtain money compensation for their personal injury and wrongful death claims.

All of the firm’s partners have received the prestigious “AV” rating from Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory, which is a recognition by their peers in the legal community that their practice meets the highest professional and ethical standards.

Roofing contractor in Vikings Stadium Death had prior safety issues

According to public records, Berwald Roofing Co., the roofing subcontractor involved in a fatal accident at the Minnesota Vikings stadium construction site has received 9 citations for worksite safety violations in the past 5 years.

A roofer working for the Berwald Roofing Company died after he fell of the Minnesota Vikings Stadium which was undergoing roofing work. Previously, Berwald, had received a number of citations for its safety practices, such as failing to to use safety harnesses for workers roofs according to records.

Eugene Berwald of Berwald Roofing, asserted that his company encouraged safe work practices, but that “People do foolish things. They don’t hook up their lanyards,” Berwald. Mr. Berwald was not aware of whether the employee who fell to his death was wearing a safety lanyard.

Roofing Accidents can be Catastrophic

Roofing accidents frequently involve serious injuries when workers fall. It is imperative for roofing contractors to provide their workers with the best safety equipment available. Unfortunately, this may not always be the case and falls from roof tops can be catastrophic.

With over 50 years of collective service to the South Florida community, the Fort Lauderdale injury lawyers at The Law Firm have helped thousands of clients to obtain money compensation for their personal injury and wrongful death claims.

All of the firm’s partners have received the prestigious “AV” rating from Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory, which is a recognition by their peers in the legal community that their practice meets the highest professional and ethical standards.

Our students should be as safe as possible — time for seat belts and harnesses on all school buses.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has pushed for rules requiring all school buses to be equipped with a seat belt and shoulder harnesses similar to what is required to be in our cars.

The big objection to this has come from local school boards who cite the additional costs involved in retrofitting current buses with this equiptment. The projected costs range from $7,000 – $10,000 for each school bus.

These is no objection, however, to the fact that seat belts and harnesses on buses would save lives. NHTSA estimates that seat belts would save a number of student lives and injuries, but only six states require these. One of these states is Florida.

This seems to be an easy decision for school boards nationwide. Notwithstanding the costs, every priority should be given to our students to ensure that their transportation to and from school is as safe as possible. From an economic standpoint, the less injuries and deaths, the less our school boards are responsible for damages. In the final analysis our childrens’ safety comes first — seats belts and harnesses on school buses make sense and should be installed as soon as possible.

With over 50 years of collective service to the South Florida community, the Fort Lauderdale injury lawyers at The Law Firm have helped thousands of clients to obtain money compensation for their personal injury and wrongful death claims.

All of the firm’s partners have received the prestigious “AV” rating from Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory, which is a recognition by their peers in the legal community that their practice meets the highest professional and ethical standards.

2 People die in a motorcyle accident

Two people died while riding on a motorcycle on U.S. 1 and the Sadowski Causeway in the Florida keys.

Like many fatal road accidents, this accident occurred when the driver of a car traveling in the opposite direction of the cyclist made a left turn into the path of the oncoming motorcycle. Frequently, there is absolutely nothing the motorcyclist could have done to prevent these type of accidents. The driver of the car simply does not see the motorcycle ahead.

From an insurance standpoint, motorcyclists can protect themselves by purchasing Uninsured Motorist Coverage (“UM”) on their bikes. If you are so unfortunate as to be in a motorcycle accident, at least there will be insurance coverage for your injuries.

Motorcycle injury lawyers with years of experience
With over 50 years of collective service to the South Florida community, the Fort Lauderdale motorcycle injury lawyers at The Law Firm have helped thousands of clients to obtain money compensation for their personal injury and wrongful death claims

All of the firm’s partners have received the prestigious “AV” rating from Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory, which is a recognition by their peers in the legal community that their practice meets the highest professional and ethical standards.